Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D Feature Representation
Special FME feature attributes are used to hold AutoCAD Civil 3D entity attributes. The reader sets these attributes on the FME feature it creates for each entity it reads.
The AutoCAD Civil 3D Reader makes use of the same standard attributes as the AutoCAD DWG/DXF Reader. Please refer to the Autodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF Reader/Writer format documentation for additional information.
Attributes that are related to Civil 3D specific entity types are described below.
Note: All attributes specific to Civil 3D entities are prefixed by aec_ rather than the standard CAD prefix of autocad_.
Geometry Representations
In general, the geometry will be identified by the autocad_entity.
Geometry Traits
In a number of Civil3D feature types such as Alignments, the geometry of a feature can be quite complicated and make use of a number of different entities, each with its own purpose. Since FME currently restricts a feature to having only one geometric element, the Civil3D Reader constructs an aggregate out of the different geometry properties that a given feature has. At each level of geometry hierarchy, a geometry contains a geometry trait called Name which identifies it.
An example taken from an Alignment element shows the Name trait in question.
Geometry Type: IFMEAggregate
Number of Geometries: 23
Geometry Number: 0
Geometry Type: IFMEMultiPoint
Name(fme-system): aec_align_begin_points'
Number of Points: 1
Point Number: 0
Geometry Type: IFMEPoint
Coordinate Dimension: 2
[rest of geometry omitted]
Geometry Traits are also used to tie properties of a geometry to that geometry rather than to the FME feature that contains the geometry. Due to aggregation of geometry on FME features read by the Civil3D Reader, the following Feature attributes may be stored either as an attribute on a Feature, or as traits on a geometry.

autocad_entity: aec_alignment
Features with autocad_entity set to aec_alignment store alignment entities which represent centerlines, lanes, shoulders, right-of-ways, or construction baselines.
Alignments can store a combination of lines and curves that are viewed as one object. Alignments can be stand-alone objects or the parent object of profiles, profile views, and cross sections.
Attribute Name |
Content |
aec_align_begin_points |
The name of the points associated with the beginning of the components of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_design_speed |
The name of a design speed component of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_design_speed_comment |
A text comment for a design speed component of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_design_speed_num |
The ID of a design speed component of an alignment entity. The ID is a number used to uniquely represent this design speed component in a drawing. |
aec_align_design_ |
The station value of a design speed component of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_design_ |
The design speed value of a design speed component of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_end_points |
The name of the points associated with the ending of the components of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_float_ |
The type of floating curve component an alignment entity. |
aec_align_free_curve_type |
The type of free curve component of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_mid_points |
The name of the points associated with components of an alignment entity which are between the beginning and ending points. |
aec_align_ref_pt_stn |
The station value of the reference point of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_sample_ |
A list of ids for the sample line objects associated with this entity. |
aec_align_station_ |
The name of a geometry which stores a station equation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_stn_ref_pt_num |
The ID of a station reference point component of an alignment entity. The ID is a number used to uniquely represent this reference point component in a drawing. |
aec_align_stn_ref_pt_param |
The parameter value for a station reference point component of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_stn_ref_ |
The name of the points associated with the station references of the components of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_style |
The name of the style for an alignment entity. |
aec_align_style_id |
The ID of the style for an alignment entity. |
aec_align_sub_ |
The first constraint on a section object of a component of an alignment entity. Values are constraints on section types such as Fixed, Floating, or Free. |
aec_align_sub_ |
The second constraint on a section object of a component of an alignment entity. Values are spatial constraints on the section geometry. |
aec_align_sub_id |
The ID of a section object of a component of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_sub_type |
The type of a section of a component of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_subentity |
The name of a geometry which stores a section of a component of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_superelevation |
The name of a geometry which stores a super elevation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_superelevation_region |
The name of a geometry which stores a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_align_vert_style_ids |
A list of ids for the vertical alignment style objects of an alignment entity. |
aec_description |
The general description of an entity. |
aec_feature_id_num |
The ID of a feature entity. The ID is a number used to uniquely represent this feature entity in a drawing. |
aec_feature_style |
The name of the feature style for a feature entity. |
aec_feature_style_id |
The ID of the feature style for a feature entity. |
aec_first_main_ |
The ID of the first main section object of a component of an alignment entity. |
aec_last_main_entity_id |
The ID of the last main section object of a component of an alignment entity. |
aec_material_ids |
A list of ids for the material objects associated with an entity. |
aec_name |
The name of an entity. |
aec_object_id |
The object ID value of this entity, similar to the autocad_entity_handle attribute. |
aec_site_node_id |
The ID of the site information object related to an entity. |
aec_superelev_attain_mthd |
The name of the attainment method for a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_corr_ |
The corridor type of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_cross_sec_shp |
The cross section shape type of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_designspd1 |
The first design speed value of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_designspd2 |
The second design speed value of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_end_ |
The end station value of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_id |
The ID of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. The ID is a number used to uniquely represent this super elevation region component in a drawing. |
aec_superelev_inside |
The inside value of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_inside_superelev |
The method of the inside super elevation of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_lf_ |
The value of the left inside lane of a super elevation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_lf_ |
The value of the left inside shoulder of a super elevation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_lf_out_lane |
The value of the left outside lane of a super elevation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_lf_out_shldr |
The value of the left outside shoulder of a super elevation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_nom_ |
The nominal width value of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_norm_ |
The normal lane slope value of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_norm_shldr_slope |
The normal shoulder slope value of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_outside |
The outside value of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_outside_superelev |
The method of the outside super elevation of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_point_type |
The type of a super elevation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_rate_table |
The name of the rate table for a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_rt_in_lane |
The value of the right inside lane of a super elevation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_rt_in_shldr |
The value of the right inside shoulder of a super elevation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_rt_out_lane |
The value of the right outside lane of a super elevation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_rt_out_shldr |
The value of the right outside shoulder of a super elevation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_smooth_curve_len |
The smoothing curve length value of the a super elevation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_start_stn |
The start station value of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_station |
The station value of the a super elevation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_std_file |
The standard file name of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_stn_rounding |
The station rounding mode of a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_superelev_trans_table |
The name of the transmission table for a super elevation region component of an alignment entity. |
aec_stn_eqn_stn_ahead |
The station value ahead of a station equation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_stn_eqn_stn_back |
The station value back of a station equation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_stn_eqn_stn_raw_back |
The raw station value back of a station equation component of an alignment entity. |
aec_style_id |
The object ID of the associated style object for an entity. |
aec_style_name |
The name of the associated style object for an entity. |

autocad_entity: aec_appurtenance
Features with autocad_entity set to aec_appurtenance store appurtenance entities which represent an appurtenance, often found in a pressure pipe network.
Attribute Name |
Content |
aec_description |
The general description of an entity. |
aec_name |
The name of an entity. |
aec_object_id |
The object ID value of this entity, similar to the autocad_entity_handle attribute. |
aec_pressure_netpart_def_id |
The ID of a network part definition object, which stores properties for a network part entity such as appurtenances. |
aec_pressure_netpart_name |
The name of an appurtenance entity in a network. This name value may override the value of aec_name. |
aec_pressure_netpart_network |
The name of the network object associated with an appurtenance entity. |
aec_pressure_netpart_network_id |
The ID of the network associated with this appurtenance entity. |
aec_netpart_ref_align_id |
The ID of an alignment entity referenced by an appurtenance entity in a network. |

autocad_entity: aec_cogopoint
Features with autocad_entity set to aec_cogopoint represent points which are used to identify existing ground locations and design elements. Coordinate Geometry (COGO) points are numbered and named uniquely, and have properties such as northing, easting, elevation, and description.
Attribute Name |
Content |
aec_description |
The general description of an entity. |
aec_material_ids |
A list of IDs for the material objects associated with an entity. |
aec_easting |
The value in the east direction for the location of a COGO point entity. |
aec_elevation |
The elevation value of a COGO point entity. |
aec_full_description |
The full description value of a COGO point entity. |
aec_label_style |
The name of the associated label style object for an entity. |
aec_label_style_id |
The ID of the associated label style object for an entity. |
aec_leader_offset_x |
The value in the x dimension for the offset of a leader entity associated with a COGO point entity. |
aec_leader_offset_y |
The value in the y dimension for the offset of a leader entity associated with a COGO point entity. |
aec_leader_offset_z |
The value in the z dimension for the offset of a leader entity associated with a COGO point entity. |
aec_name |
The name of an entity. |
aec_northing |
The value in the north direction for the location of a COGO point entity. |
aec_point_number |
The ID of a COGO point entity. The ID is a number used to uniquely represent COGO point entities in a drawing. |
aec_point_primary_group_id |
The ID of the primary point group entity to which a COGO point entity belongs. |
aec_point_style |
The name of the associated point style object for an entity. |
aec_point_style_id |
The ID of the associated point style object for an entity. |
aec_object_id |
The object ID value of this entity, similar to the autocad_entity_handle attribute. |
aec_raw_description |
The raw (field) description value of an entity. |
aec_rotation |
The rotation value of a COGO point entity. |
aec_style_id |
The object ID of the associated style object for an entity. |
aec_style_name |
The name of the associated style object for an entity. |
aec_xyscale |
The scale value in the x and y dimensions of a COGO point entity. |
aec_zscale |
The scale value in the z dimension of a COGO point entity. |

autocad_entity: aec_fitting
Features with autocad_entity set to aec_fitting store fitting entities which represent a pipe fitting, often found in a pressure pipe network.
Attribute Name |
Content |
aec_description |
The general description of an entity. |
aec_name |
The name of an entity. |
aec_object_id |
The object ID value of this entity, similar to the autocad_entity_handle attribute. |
aec_pressure_netpart_def_id |
The ID of a network part definition object, which stores properties for a network part entity such as fittings. |
aec_pressure_netpart_name |
The name of a fitting in a network. This name value may override the value of aec_name. |
aec_pressure_netpart_network |
The name of the network object associated with a fitting entity. |
aec_pressure_netpart_network_id |
The ID of the network associated with this fitting entity. |
aec_netpart_ref_align_id |
The ID of an alignment entity referenced by a fitting entity in a network. |

autocad_entity: aec_parcel
Features with autocad_entity set to aec_parcel, store face entities which typically represent real estate parcels, such as lots in a subdivision.
Parcel objects can also represent other features with closed boundaries, such as bodies of water and soil regions which contain line segments joined by nodes.
Attribute Name |
Content |
aec_description |
The general description of an entity. |
aec_face_label_x |
The value in the x dimension for the label location for a face entity. |
aec_face_label_y |
The value in the y dimension for the label location for a face entity. |
aec_face_label_z |
The value in the z dimension for the label location for a face entity. |
aec_face_label_offset_x |
The offset value in the x dimension for the label location for a face entity. |
aec_face_label_offset_y |
The offset value in the y dimension for the label location for a face entity. |
aec_face_label_offset_z |
The offset value in the z dimension for the label location for a face entity. |
aec_face_label_pinned |
Indicates if the label of the face entity is pinned. |
aec_face_num |
The ID of a face component of a parcel or site entity. The ID is a number used to uniquely represent this face component in a drawing. |
aec_face_site_id |
The ID of a site object which is the parent of a parcel entity. |
aec_face_region_id |
The ID of a geometric region component of a face entity. The ID is a number used to uniquely represent this region component in a drawing. |
aec_face_type |
The type of a face entity, either parcel or site. |
aec_feature_style |
The name of the feature style for a feature entity. |
aec_feature_style_id |
The ID of the feature style for a feature entity. |
aec_label_style |
The name of the associated label style object for an entity. |
aec_label_style_id |
The ID of the associated label style object for an entity. |
aec_material_ids |
A list of ids for the material objects associated with an entity. |
aec_name |
The name of an entity. |
aec_object_id |
The object ID value of this entity, similar to the autocad_entity_handle attribute. |
aec_override_face_name |
Indicates if the standard name of the face entity is overridden. |
aec_parcel_style |
The name of the associated parcel style object for a parcel or site entity. |
aec_parcel_style_id |
The ID of a parcel style of a parcel or site entity. The ID is a number used to uniquely represent this parcel style component in a drawing. |
aec_style_id |
The object ID of the associated style object for an entity. |
aec_style_name |
The name of the associated style object for an entity. |

autocad_entity: aec_parcel_segment_label
Features with autocad_entity set to aec_parcel_segment_label store label entities that typically represent information about a nearby parcel segment, such as length or bearing.
Attribute Name |
Content |
aec_description |
The general description of an entity. |
aec_parcel_label_pinned |
Indicates if the label is pinned. |
aec_parcel_label_visible |
Indicates if the label is visible. |
aec_parcel_label_flipped |
Indicates if the label is flipped. |
aec_parcel_label_reversed |
Indicates if the label is reversed. |
aec_parcel_label_site_id |
The ID of a site object which is the parent of a parcel entity to which this label is attached. |
aec_material_ids |
A list of IDs for the material objects associated with an entity. |
aec_name |
The name of an entity. |
aec_object_id |
The object id value of this entity, similar to the autocad_entity_handle attribute. |
aec_style_id |
The object id of the associated style object for an entity. |
aec_style_name |
The name of the associated style object for an entity. |

autocad_entity: aec_pipe
Features with autocad_entity set to aec_pipe are entities which represent a straight or curved pipe used in utility networks, such as sewer and irrigation systems.
Pipes are classified as network part objects.
Attribute Name |
Content |
aec_description |
The general description of an entity. |
aec_material_ids |
A list of ids for the material objects associated with an entity. |
aec_name |
The name of an entity. |
aec_netpart_connector_ids |
A list of ids for the connector objects which express the connections for a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_def_id |
The ID of a network part definition object which stores properties for a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_graph_part_id |
The ID of a part object in a graph associated with a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_graph_ids |
A list of IDs for the graph objects associated with a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_name |
The name of a network part entity. This name value may override the value of aec_name. |
aec_netpart_network |
The name of the network object associated with a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_network_id |
The ID of the network object associated with a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_ref_align_id |
The ID of an alignment entity referenced by a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_ref_surface_id |
The ID of a surface entity referenced by a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_style_id |
The ID of a network part style associated with a network part entity. |
aec_object_id |
The object ID value of this entity, similar to the autocad_entity_handle attribute. |
aec_pipe_end_struct_id |
The ID of the structure entity at the end of a pipe entity. |
aec_pipe_inner_height |
The inner height value of a pipe entity. |
aec_pipe_inner_width |
The inner width value of a pipe entity. |
aec_pipe_plan_bulge |
The plan bulge arc value of a pipe entity. When this value is non-zero, the pipe is a curve and not a line. |
aec_pipe_start_struct_id |
The ID of the structure entity at the start of a pipe entity. |
aec_pipe_wall_thickness |
The thickness value for the wall of a pipe entity. |
aec_style_id |
The object ID of the associated style object for an entity. |
aec_style_name |
The name of the associated style object for an entity. |
aec_pipe_flow_rate | The rate of flow through a pipe entity. |
aec_pipe_hydraulic_grade_line_down | The elevation of the energy grade line for pipe networks flowing in a downstream direction that contain hydraulic property data. |
aec_pipe_hydraulic_grade_line_up | The elevation of the hydraulic grade line for pipe networks flowing in an upstream direction that contain hydraulic property data. |
aec_pipe_runoff_coefficient | The runoff coefficent for a pipe entity’s catchment. |
aec_pipe_inlet_time | The inlet time value of a pipe entity. |

autocad_entity: aec_pipenetwork
Features with autocad_entity set to aec_pipenetwork store pipe network entities which represent a container object to associate pipes and structures that are part of the same pipe run or pipe network.
A pipe network may contain pipe objects and structure objects.
Attribute Name |
Content |
aec_description |
The general description of an entity. |
aec_material_ids |
A list of IDs for the material objects associated with an entity. |
aec_name |
The name of an entity. |
aec_object_id |
The object ID value of this entity, similar to the autocad_entity_handle attribute. |
aec_network_pipe_ids |
A list of IDs for the pipe entities associated with a pipe network entity. |
aec_network_struct_ids |
A list of IDs for the structure entities associated with a pipe network entity. |
aec_style_id |
The object ID of the associated style object for an entity. |
aec_style_name |
The name of the associated style object for an entity. |

autocad_entity: aec_pointgroup
Features with autocad_entity set to aec_pointgroup store represent named collections of points which are used organize points and to control their appearance.
Attribute Name |
Content |
aec_description |
The general description of an entity. |
aec_label_style |
The name of the associated label style object for an entity. |
aec_label_style_id |
The ID of the associated label style object for an entity. |
aec_material_ids |
A list of IDs for the material objects associated with an entity. |
aec_name |
The name of an entity. |
aec_object_id |
The object ID value of this entity, similar to the autocad_entity_handle attribute. |
aec_overall_group |
Indicates if a point group entity is the ‘All Points’ group. |
aec_override_elevation |
Indicates if the elevation override is set for a point group entity. |
aec_override_label_style |
Indicates if the label style override is set for a point group entity. |
aec_override_point_style |
Indicates if the point style override is set for a point group entity. |
aec_override_raw_desc |
Indicates if the raw (field) description override is set for a point group entity. |
aec_point_count |
The number of points associated with a point group entity. |
aec_point_elev_max |
The maximum elevation value of a point group entity. |
aec_point_elev_min |
The minimum elevation value of a point group entity. |
aec_point_elev_xref_id |
The ID of an externally referenced object representing point elevation data associated with a point group entity. |
aec_point_group_elev |
The elevation value of a point group entity. |
aec_point_groups_node_id |
The ID of a point groups information object which stores properties related to point group entities. |
aec_point_numbers |
A list of IDs for the point entities which belong to a point group entity. The IDs are numbers used to uniquely represent point components in a drawing |
aec_point_query |
The text value of the query statement associated with a point group entity. |
aec_point_query_id |
The ID of a query statement object associated with a point group entity. |
aec_point_style |
The name of the associated point style object for an entity. |
aec_point_style_id |
The ID of the associated point style object for an entity. |
aec_points_node_id |
The ID of a points information object which stores properties related to point entities. |
aec_priority |
The priority value of a point group entity. |
aec_raw_desc_xref_id |
The ID of an externally referenced object representing raw (field) description data associated with a point group entity. |
aec_raw_description |
The raw (field) description value of an entity. |
aec_settings_node_id |
The ID of a settings information object which stores properties related to a point group entity. |
aec_style_id |
The object ID of the associated style object for an entity. |
aec_style_name |
The name of the associated style object for an entity. |

autocad_entity: aec_pipe
Features with autocad_entity set to aec__pressure_pipe are entities which represent a straight or curved pipe used in pressure networks, such as water transmission systems.
Pipes are classified as network part objects.
Attribute Name |
Content |
aec_description |
The general description of an entity. |
aec_material_ids |
A list of IDs for the material objects associated with an entity. |
aec_name |
The name of an entity. |
aec_object_id | The object ID value of this entity, similar to the autocad_entity_handle attribute. |
aec_pressure_netpart_def_id |
The ID of a network part definition object, which stores properties for a network part entity. |
aec_pressure_netpart_name |
The name of a network part entity. This name value may override the value of aec_name. |
aec_pressure_netpart_network |
The name of the network object associated with a network part entity. |
aec_pressure_pipe_start_elevation | The elevation at the start of a pipe entity. |
aec_pressure_pipe_end_elevation | The elevation at the end of a pipe entity. |
aec_pressure_pipe_inner_diameter | The inner diameter value of a pipe entity. |
aec_pressure_pipe_outer_diameter | The outer diameter value of a pipe entity. |
aec_pressure_pipe_slope | The slope value of a pipe entity. |
aec_pressure_pipe_start_fitting_id | The ID of the fitting entity at the start of a pipe entity. |
aec_pressure_pipe_end_fitting_id | The ID of the fitting entity at the end of a pipe entity. |
aec_pressure_pipe_wall_thickness |
The thickness value for the wall of a pipe entity. |
aec_style_id |
The object ID of the associated style object for an entity. |
aec_style_name |
The name of the associated style object for an entity. |

autocad_entity: aec_pressure_network
Features with autocad_entity set to aec_pressure_network store pipe network entities which represent a container object to associate pipes and structures that are part of the same pressure network.
Attribute Name |
Content |
aec_description |
The general description of an entity. |
aec_material_ids |
A list of IDs for the material objects associated with an entity. |
aec_name |
The name of an entity. |
aec_object_id |
The object ID value of this entity, similar to the autocad_entity_handle attribute. |
aec_pressure_network_appurtenance_ids |
A list of ids for the appurtenance entities associated with a pressure network entity. |
aec_pressure_network_fitting_ids |
A list of ids for the fitting entities associated with a pressure network entity. |
aec_pressure_network_pipe_ids |
A list of ids for the pipe entities associated with a pressure network entity. |
aec_network_struct_ids |
A list of ids for the structure entities associated with a pipe network entity. |
aec_style_id |
The object ID of the associated style object for an entity. |
aec_style_name |
The name of the associated style object for an entity. |

autocad_entity: aec_site
Features with autocad_entity set to aec_site store face entities which represent areas which group objects with a common topology.
The objects that may share in the topology are parcels, alignments, gradings, and feature lines. For the purpose of representing its geometry and properties, a site can be considered a special type of parcel.
Attribute Name |
Content |
aec_description |
The general description of an entity. |
aec_face_label_x |
The value in the x dimension for the label location for a face entity. |
aec_face_label_y |
The value in the y dimension for the label location for a face entity. |
aec_face_label_z |
The value in the z dimension for the label location for a face entity. |
aec_face_label_offset_x |
The offset value in the x dimension for the label location for a face entity. |
aec_face_label_offset_y |
The offset value in the y dimension for the label location for a face entity. |
aec_face_label_offset_z |
The offset value in the z dimension for the label location for a face entity. |
aec_face_label_pinned |
Indicates if the label of the face entity is pinned. |
aec_face_num |
The ID of a face component of a parcel or site entity. The ID is a number used to uniquely represent this face component in a drawing. |
aec_face_region_id |
The ID of a geometric region component of a face entity. The ID is a number used to uniquely represent this region component in a drawing. |
aec_face_type |
The type of a face entity, either parcel or site. |
aec_face_label_pinned |
Indicates if the label of the face entity is pinned. |
aec_feature_style |
The name of the feature style for a feature entity. |
aec_feature_style_id |
The ID of the feature style for a feature entity. |
aec_label_style |
The name of the associated label style object for an entity. |
aec_label_style_id |
The ID of the associated label style object for an entity. |
aec_material_ids |
A list of ids for the material objects associated with an entity. |
aec_name |
The name of an entity. |
aec_object_id |
The object ID value of this entity, similar to the autocad_entity_handle attribute. |
aec_override_face_name |
Indicates if the standard name of the face entity is overridden. |
aec_parcel_node |
The name of a parcel information object which stores properties for a site which are related to parcels. |
aec_parcel_node_id |
The ID of a parcel information object which stores properties for a site which are related to parcels. |
aec_parcel_style |
The name of the associated parcel style object for a parcel or site entity. |
aec_parcel_style_id |
The ID of a parcel style of a parcel or site entity. The ID is a number used to uniquely represent this parcel style component in a drawing. |
aec_style_id |
The object ID of the associated style object for an entity. |
aec_style_ids |
A list of ids for style objects used by objects for which this site entity is the parent. |
aec_style_name |
The name of the associated style object for an entity. |

autocad_entity: aec_structure
Features with autocad_entity set to aec_structure are entities which represent items such as manholes, catch basins, and headwalls, used in pipe networks. Structures are classified as network part objects.
Attribute Name |
Content |
aec_description |
The general description of an entity. |
aec_material_ids |
A list of IDs for the material objects associated with an entity. |
aec_name |
The name of an entity. |
aec_netpart_connector_ids |
A list of IDs for the connector objects which express the connections for a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_def_id |
The ID of a network part definition object which stores properties for a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_graph_part_id |
The ID of a part object in a graph associated with a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_graph_ids |
A list of IDs for the graph objects associated with a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_name |
The name of a network part entity. This name value may override the value of aec_name. |
aec_netpart_network |
The name of the network object associated with a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_network_id |
The ID of the network object associated with a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_ref_align_id |
The ID of an alignment entity referenced by a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_ref_surface_id |
The ID of a surface entity referenced by a network part entity. |
aec_netpart_style_id |
The ID of a network part style associated with a network part entity. |
aec_object_id |
The object ID value of this entity, similar to the autocad_entity_handle attribute. |
aec_struct_auto_surf_adj |
Indicates if the automatic rim surface adjustment is set for a structure entity. |
aec_struct_control_sump_mode |
The mode of the control sump for a structure entity. |
aec_struct_offset |
The offset value for a structure entity. |
aec_struct_sump_depth |
The depth value for the sump of a structure entity. |
aec_struct_surf_adjustment |
The surface adjustment value of a structure entity. |
aec_style_id |
The object ID of the associated style object for an entity. |
aec_style_name |
The name of the associated style object for an entity. |