Mapbox Vector Tile (MVT) Writer Parameters

The required minimum zoom level at which a tileset will be generated.
Note that specific tile files within the zoom level will only be generated if input geometries exist within those tiles.
Default: 0
The required maximum zoom level at which a tileset will be generated.
The maximum supported value is 22. Note that specific tile files within the zoom level will only be generated if input geometries exist within those tiles.
Default: 5
Maximum supported value: 22
For more information about zoom levels, see Mapbox Documentation.

Tileset Name
This defines the tileset name and is used to fill metadata records. Defaults to the basename of the output file/directory.
Tileset Description
This parameter defines the tileset description and is written to the metadata.json file.
This parameter is optional and defaults to an empty description.
Layer Type
Used to fill metadata records.

Overwrite Folder
A required option that prevents or allows overwriting the contents of the writer dataset folder.
- No – This is the default, to prevent destroying existing files in the destination folder, and causing the writer to error and terminate.
- Yes – This setting may be helpful when rewriting and testing a specific set of tiles in a folder that is known to be safe to delete.
Tile File Extension
A required option for creating tilesets as directories of files, this option specifies the extension of individual tile files.
Compress Geometry
Required option to compress tiles with the Deflate/GZip algorithm or not.
Default: Yes
Simplification Factor
Simplification factor for linear or polygonal geometries. The unit is the integer unit of tiles after quantification of geometry coordinates to tile coordinates.
Applies to all zoom levels, unless Simplification Factor Max Zoom Level is also defined.
Simplification Factor Max Zoom Level
Simplification factor for linear or polygonal geometries (which applies only to the maximum zoom level).

Number of Units per Tile
Number of units in a tile. A higher number of units results in more accurate geometry coordinates (at the expense of tile byte size).
Default: 4096
Number of Tile Buffer Units
Number of units for geometry buffering. This value corresponds to a buffer around each side of a tile into which geometries are fetched and clipped.
Default: 80 if Number of Units per Tile is 4096
Max Tile Size (bytes)
Maximum size of a tile in bytes (after compression).
If a tile is greater than this threshold, features will be written with reduced precision, or discarded and warnings will be logged.
Default: 500000
Max Features Per Tile
Maximum number of features per tile.
Default: 200000

By default, the bounds of the dataset is stored in the metadata.json file and in calculated automatically based on the bounds of the incoming vector feature geometries. This set of options allows overriding of those default bounds.
Note: This parameter group is optional, but when setting bounds options, you must add a value in all four fields.
Minimum Tile Longitude
The optional minimum longitude coordinate for the dataset bounds.
Minimum Tile Latitude
The optional minimum latitude coordinate for the dataset bounds.
Maximum Tile Longitude
The optional maximum longitude coordinate for the dataset bounds.
Maximum Tile Latitude
The optional maximum latitude coordinate for the dataset bounds.

By default, the center of the dataset is stored in the metadata.json file and is calculated automatically based on the bounds of the incoming vector feature geometries.
Note: This parameter group is optional, but when setting center options, you must add a value in all four fields.
Center Longitude
The optional longitude coordinate for the dataset center.
Center Latitude
The optional latitude coordinate for the dataset center.
Center Zoom Level
The zoom level for which the Center Longitude and Center Latitude Apply.