HOM2UV: Hotine Oblique Mercator – Two Points, Unrectified

This variation of Hotine produces unrectified Cartesian coordinates. Its origin is the intersection of the central geodesic and the equator of the aposhere. Although it is rarely used, it is retained for historical purposes.

Nom de paramètre



The longitude, in degrees, of the first point on the central geode­sic.


The longitude, in degrees, of the first point on the central geode­sic.


The longitude, in degrees, of the second point on the central geodesic.


The latitude, in degrees, of the second point on the central geo­desic.


The latitude, in degrees, of the center of the coordinate system being defined. That is, the point on the central geodesic that has this latitude is the natural origin of the projection.


Le faux Est doit être appliqué à toutes les coordonnées X, pour que toutes les coordonnées X dans le système de coordonnées aient des valeurs positives de taille raisonnable.


Le faux Nord à appliquer à toutes les coordonnées Y.