OGC CityGML 3 Reader Parameters
Application Schema
XSD/ADE Selection
Application Schema
This optional parameter specifies the location of the CityGML XSD Schema documents.
This optional parameter specifies the location of the XSD Schema documents via whitespace-separated namespace-URI and xsd-location-URL pairs, following the same syntax as the xsi:schemaLocation attribute.
Appearance Themes
CityGML allows different thematic views in the same dataset, whereas FME geometries can have a single back and/or front FME Appearance.
This optional parameter scans the specified CityGML dataset file looking for available Appearance Themes. The selected Theme will be given priority when the CityGML textures and materials are applied to the front and/or back side of the FME geometries.
GML SRS Axis Order
Overrides the axis order when reading coordinate tuples in a CityGML <pos> or <posList> element. Valid values are "1,2", "2,1", “1,2,3” and “2,1,3”.
The legal values for this parameter are white-space-separated XML namespace declarations as they would appear in an XML element.
XML Namespace Declarations
The legal values for this parameter are white-space-separated XML namespace declarations as they would appear in an XML element.
This parameter allows different namespace declarations to be used, other than the ones extracted from the parsed XSD documents.
Add XML Namespace Prefix to
The FME feature type and/or attribute names may include the XML Namespace prefixes used in the XSD schemas. The prefix will be separated from the names by an underscore.
By default, the prefixes are not added to the names.
- Feature Types – Includes the prefixes in the feature types. Setting this parameter to Feature Types is necessary if the XSD Schema contains feature types with the same name in different namespaces.
- Feature Types and Attributes – Includes the prefixes in both the feature types and attributes.
Validate Dataset
Determines whether the reader should validate the specified dataset against the XSD schema.
Generic Attributes
Model Generic Attributes
Generic attributes are read as nested list attributes in both CityGML 2.0 and CityGML 3.0, setting this parameter to As Explicit Attributes instructs the reader to scan the dataset for generic attributes to extract the name, value and type of the generic attributes into regular FME attributes.
For example the following CityGML 3.0 generic string attribute:
<gen:value>Frank Lloyd Wright</gen:value>
can be explicitly modeled as the FME attribute with name architect, type xml_buffer, and value Frank Lloyd Wright.
Generic Attribute Prefix
Adds the specified prefix to the explicitly mapped generic attribute name.
Schema Attributes

Use this parameter to expose Format Attributes in FME Workbench when you create a workspace:
- In a dynamic scenario, it means these attributes can be passed to the output dataset at runtime.
- In a non-dynamic scenario, this parameter allows you to expose additional attributes on multiple feature types. Click the browse button to view the available format attributes (which are different for each format) for the reader.