Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb Mosaic Dataset) Writer Feature Type Parameters

The Geodatabase writer requires that every Geodatabase table to which a feature is written be defined in the FME workspace if the table does not yet exist. If the table exists when writing, then only the table name needs to be specified on the feature type. When reading from the Geodatabase, it is not necessary that the source tables be defined.

Table Name

The name of the Geodatabase table being defined by the feature type.

The name must conform to the conventions and restrictions of the underlying database (for example, the name cannot contain a hyphen). Table name case is always preserved.

When the Geodatabase writer creates a new table, it looks for the geodb_type specified on the feature type.


For a list of the valid geodb_types, see Feature Representation.

If the geodb_type is not valid or is not found on the feature type, then the geodb_type attribute will be retrieved from the first feature headed for that table.

In the unlikely occurrence that the feature does not have a valid geodb_type or any geodb_type, then a warning will be logged, the writer will assume that the geodb_type is geodb_type, and a non-spatial table will be created. As a result, all features of that feature type will have their geometry ignored.

Table: General

Table Creation

Note  Starting at ArcGIS Desktop 10.5, mosaic datasets will be created with the new RASTER_STORAGE keyword called RASTERBLOB. Therefore, geodatabases created in ArcGIS 10.5 cannot be opened or deleted with earlier versions of ArcGIS.

Mosaic Dataset