
Uses various external web services to convert addresses to latitude/longitude coordinates, or to find the closest addresses to latitude/longitude coordinates (reverse geocode). Some services have additional information available, such as time zone or elevation.

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Typical Uses

  • Find coordinates and create geometry for a list of street addresses
  • Find addresses that match coordinates

How does it work?

The Geocoder provides a single interface to numerous geocoding web services. Once a service is selected, the appropriate parameters are presented, including connection credentials and the expected attributes the service needs to perform geocoding.

As features pass through the transformer, these attributes are passed to the service, and the results retrieved.

If the feature is successfully matched by the service, the results (attributes and/or geometry) are added to the feature and it is output through the Output port.

If the feature geocoding fails for any reason (including addresses not found, invalid coordinates, or failed credential authentication), it is output through the <Rejected> port.


The Geocoder can perform a variety of tasks, dependent upon which service you choose to use. Each service will provide one or more of these modes of geocoding:

Forward Street Address Geocoding

Single free form street address to latitude/longitude values, for example:

"7445, 132nd Street, Surrey, BC, V3W 1J8"

Discrete street address elements to latitude/longitude values, for example:






"V3W 1J8"

Forward IP Address Geocoding

IP address string to latitude/longitude values

Reverse Street Address Geocoding

Latitude/longitude values to a single street address string

Reverse Elevation Geocoding

Latitude/longitude values to elevation in meters

Reverse Timezone Geocoding

Latitude/longitude values to timezone code, name and offset

The geocoding service result is stored in output feature attributes, feature geometry, or both. For example, latitude/longitude output is represented on the feature as a point geometry, and also as ‘_latitude’ and ‘_longitude’ attributes.


Usage Notes

  • Many services have restrictions on how their results may be used or displayed. Check with your chosen service for terms and conditions. See available services.
  • The expected input address format varies between services. See documentation provided by your chosen service for details.
  • If you need to create address strings for your chosen service, you can build them right in the Geocoder using the Text Editor, or consider using the AttributeManager to construct them as persistent attributes.


Input Ports

Output Ports


This is a complete list of possible parameters for all services accessed by the Geocoder. Only the service-specific required parameters will be shown in the transformer once a service has been chosen.

Geocoding Services

Éditer les paramètres des Transformers

À l'aide d'un ensemble d'options de menu, les paramètres du Transformer peuvent être attribués en faisant référence à d'autres éléments du traitement. Des fonctions plus avancées, telles qu'un éditeur avancé et un éditeur arithmétique, sont également disponibles dans certains Transformers. Pour accéder à un menu de ces options, cliquez sur à côté du paramètre applicable. Pour plus d'informations, voir Options de menus et paramètres de Transformer.

Définir les valeurs

Il existe plusieurs façons de définir une valeur à utiliser dans un Transformer. La plus simple est de simplement taper une valeur ou une chaîne de caractères, qui peut inclure des fonctions de différents types comme des références d'attributs, des fonctions mathématiques et de chaînes de caractères, et des paramètres d'espace de travail. Il existe un certain nombre d'outils et de raccourcis qui peuvent aider à construire des valeurs, généralement disponibles dans le menu contextuel déroulant adjacent au champ de valeur.

Options - Tables

Les Transformers avec des paramètres de style table possèdent des outils additionnels pour remplir et manipuler des valeurs.


Processing Behavior


Feature Holding


Dependencies External geocoding web service(s)
History This FME Package transformer replaces the Geocoder originally shipped with FME 2021.1 and older versions.

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Les exemples peuvent contenir des informations sous licence Open Government - Vancouver et/ou Open Government - Canada.










